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Reverie: Lightning Lighting

Hello, I’m back, Yay! It’s been not long at all….

So for the game “Reverie” I know what I’m supposed to be doing for it, but it’s not much. It’s basically just getting the interaction mechanics working and get the walking with controller in. Well that’s what I’m supposed to be doing if you look at the documentation, but because I’m so good at what I do, I’m helping out where I can.

So my current task is to get a lightning effect happening, but not the lightning itself, just the light from it. What you can see above is my first attempt at it, but since I know what I’m doing now it’s going to be easy to tweak it here and there.

My next task, one that I won’t be doing tonight, because I suddenly feel like I’ve gone days without sleep, is to work on scene transitions. Original idea was to have everything in one scene, but that was a bad idea. I asked Mike what we should do and with a big smile he looked at me and said “Streaming” and then walked away, well he didn’t walk away, he explained it a bit and then after the conversation ended he walked away.

So pretty much I need to get the second scene to start loading in at a point in the first scene, so by the time you need to change scenes, the second one is finished loading.

Well that’s it for now, till next time.

Nathan out!

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