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A Wizard Did It: The beginning of the final journey.

So I thought I should do some blogs about AWDI, it's nice to have something to look back on, and it's a good way to keep track of progress. Since I've started working on AWDI I've been keeping a list of updates that I've made with each new version of the game, I don't really want to go writing about everything I've done on the project so far, so I'll just copy my Update list and show it here. After this, each version of the game will come with a blog with details of what has been changed.

So here are my update notes from when I first started the project till now.

Version 0.01 : 13/07/2015 - Created new A.I without camera. Reduces lag when many are spawned. - Added C++ Playercontroller (MyPlayerController). Allows me to set the mouse position. - Holding right click to rotate camera works with full 360 degree rotations. - Made it so the Wizard can spawn A.I on the mouse's position when left mouse button is pressed. - Limited the A.I spawning to areas that are tagged with "WizardControlled". (For when zones are introduced)

Version 0.02 : 23/07/2015 - Added placeholder for Spawner. - Holding Q will allow the player to pick if they want to spawn A.I or a Spawner when left clicking.

Version 0.03 : 26/07/2015 - Added new character Camera for the player to control. - Added top down style camera for the wizard(Needs tweaking). - Added camera zooming with scroll wheel. - Walls will turn invisible when the camera goes into them(Temp). - New Wizard will float around the map without colliding into anything.

Version 0.04 : 26/07/2015 - Added Limitation on the amount of monsters & Spawners the Wizard can spawn. - Added cost for each Spawned monster or spawner. 1 for A.I and 5 for Spawner.

Version 0.05 : 02/08/2015 - Added Warrior Actor. - Changed Warriors rotation to be based on camera. - Disabled Warrior jump. - Added Warrior Charge ability. - Networking working in the editor. - Fixed Warriors charge, now will work in multiplayer. - Added Warrior's block. - Warrior's block works in multiplayer. - Added Warriors's slam. - Added Warrior's default attack. - All abilities that affect A.I will affect them.

Version 0.06 : 03/08/2015 - Made it so warrior can't charge while blocking.

Version 0.07 : 23/08/2015 - Added functions for warrior abilities. - Clients should now have control over the correct character. - Fixed a couple networking issues.

Version 0.08 : 24/08/2015 - Removed old A.I. - Created foundations for new A.I. - A.I now knows about each actor, and can move to them when requirements are met.

Version 0.09 : 25/08/2015 - A.I will always chase the warrior if he is in range. - Created capture points, for the A.I to go after. - When the A.I is not chasing the warrior they will move towards a capture point or crystal. - When moving to a capture point or crystal, A.I will pick the closest one. - A.I is effected by slam and will be stunned. - A.I is affected by charge and will be pushed back.

Version 0.10 : 26/08/2015 - A.I will now move to next capture point if their current one is captured. - A.I now have temp animations. - A.I will now swing at players and capture points if they are in range. - Warrior will now die and become a ragdoll if hit multiple times by A.I. - Crystal can be destroyed if attacked by A.I.

Version 0.11 : 27/08/2015 - Warrior can now kill A.I - A.I will now die when attacked by warrior, and disappear through the ground after a second.

Version 0.12 : 09/9/2015 - A.I movement is now done through a behaviour tree.

Version 0.13 : 27/09/2015 - Test package with Fmod enabled, Seems to be fine. - Added timer that works across all clients and server.

Version 0.14 : 01/10/2015 - Timer fixed so it stops at 0:00. - Radial menu for wizard added. - Current monster to be spawned can now be selected through radial menu. - Rough version of the wizard wall spell implemented. - Fixed the A.I behaviour tree so it runs faster and doesn't give the feeling of lag when interacting with the A.I. - A.I will now quickly flash red when they are charged into, this is for feedback and will be used when A.I takes damage.

So that's that, the project is coming along well, we are currently aiming to get a playable version of the game ready for an expo called Armageddon, where we can hopefully get some good feedback from the people that play the game.

The next things I probably work on will be getting healing for Heroes working, so when we have potions it's ready to be plugged in. I also will probably work on some of the spells for the wizard.

Well that's it for now, till next time!

Nathan Out!

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