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Project Update!!!!


Hello! So after quickly writing up a bunch of responses to the weekly topics I’ve reached the end of my journey, and finally get to sum up the first half of the trimester and get every one of the many thousands of people who read these blogs up to speed.

So the project that I recently finished was for a game called “Sol Solutions” and it turned out to be an alright game. There are a couple things that need to be polished but other than that the game is looking good. I can’t remember where I was up to in the project in my last blog entry and I really can’t be bothered clicking a couple times to find out, but I was basically done after I made my object movement controls work with the motion control device call Razor Hydra. After that it was just a bit of tweaking here and there and helping out with the grid.

Okay fine, about half way through typing up the above section of text I looked at my last blog. So I guess I should say that before I was about to start working on the grid for the game, one of the other programmers in the group raised his hand to take on the job which was good.

So that was Sol Solutions done, during the time I was working on Sol Solutions for the other class we were working on the design for “A Wizard Did It” or AWDI. It’s been a tricky game to get right, while the way that the heroes play hasn’t changed much if any between variations everything around them has. I can’t be bothered explaining the previous versions now I’ll just post a copy of the report I need to do on AWDI for an assessment.

So the current version of the game design that we have and the one that looks more promising is a sort of Attack on Titan-ish game style. Not really, but I can only think of Attack on Titan when thinking of the game now. So the wizard character is able to click on the ground and spawn A.I that will path find their way to the closes closed gate and start attacking it, unless they have been aggroed and then they will attack the heroes or whatever they have been aggroed onto. The goal of the wizard is to use his minions to break these gates and capture the different zones of the castle so he is able to spawn his minions in the newly captured zones, to eventually assault the final gate and kill the heart/king of the castle.

So that’s what I’m working with at the moment, I’ve started to program it a little. I’ve made it so the wizard character is able to click on the ground and spawn in A.I.

I thinking now that I should try and get the games networking working (haha networking working) soon so I can make sure all the characters are working. It would suck if I got to a couple weeks before the end of the trimester to find out after I’ve implemented networking that the characters need to be changed.

I should also mention that it’s going to be a tough couple weeks for me getting the game up. There is a lot of programming to do, and one of the programmers I doubt will be of any help and the other has lost all trust to do any important work after the last project.

Till next time, Nathan out!

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